So why is it that sometimes i feel like a bad mom?i try to be a good mom,i do..but i guess i really could try harder ya know..i'm full of excuses,lol...i'm tired,overwhelmed,frustrated,sick,need space...but i guess i have to set that all aside!:)munchkins come first..and me second.which is not a bad thing at all.just hard to do sometimes,lol.
take this morning for wakes up on her own at like thats good,i dont have to pry her outta bed 15 minutes before the bus gets here!:)so she starts out in a good mood.which is rare,lol.well she's eating rice,and says "my teeth hurt".so i say,"i'm sorry..maybe you should stop eating the rice and go brush your teeth?" she starts to cry,and has a we go into this whole thing where i'm like you need to listen.i know your teeth hurt,whe're working on getting them fixed,i will call today,so she says "no!.i dont wanna go to the dentist! i say"you have to.its go to the dentist and get them fixed,or they will keep hurting chloe!"...she doesnt take it well.....what am i to do?i'm so frustrated...i just want a happy healthy lil girl.she has this attitude like she has it so rough in life,lol..i'm like you have no idea lil girly,you got it good!lol:)oh well these are the days of my life!more "fun" days to come,stand by......<><
Brand Ambassador Intro - Becky Jorgensen
1 year ago