Sunday, October 4, 2009

Business is good:)

~*~It's a great thing when all your hard work pays off.i've been sewing up a storm,trying to list stuff everyday...just to give us that lil boost we need:)well God is good:)i've had orders every day!it keep gas in our cars,food in our tummys,and a lil fun money in our pocket to keep our spirits up:)YAY!ok..i'm back to work now~


RavenM said...

Glad to hear you have business :)

Matthew said...

Good job!!! Its awesome that you found something that is truly a viable business that allows you to stay home with your kids. Not that they are home so much anymore but come summer.....

Naomi said...

thanx guys:)i like them being home,but my Tuesday,Thursday,and Friday mornings with just Eliana are nice,cause i get so much done!:)